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Gaze into these artworks for an enduring span, delve into their depths. The great danger, is that they may blind. They are so rich, so brilliant, that’s a bit like staring at the Sun with naked eyes.

Sylvain Bellenger
Mostra al Cellaio del Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte
Napoli Explosion

Napoli Explosion is an autobiographical work, an hymn that Naples sings to itself.

Salvatore Settis
Team sul Monte Faito la notte di Capodanno

For over 12 years, on New Year's Eve, my team and I ascend Mount Faito, a mountain overlooking the Bay of Naples, to capture the extraordinary choreography of lights and colors produced by fireworks all around Vesuvius. Over the years, the project has evolved into an experimentation of new forms of writing with light, using a unique color palette provided by the hundreds of thousands of fireworks exploding simultaneously. Over time, Napoli Explosion has become a work in search of the feeling of light.


Mario Amura Immortalizes Naples at Year's End
Ci voleva la convergenza di una location impareggiabile (Capodimonte), di un direttore alla fine del suo mandato (Sylvain Bellenger) e del progetto pluriennale di un napoletano doc (Mario Amura) per lanciare «Napoli Explosion», una mostra dove fotografia, pittura e reportage si sommano e si confondono. Sul limitare del Real Bosco…
Sylvain Bellenger in un sopralluogo al Cellaio
Napoli Explosion at Museo di Capodimonte
Few cities in the world can be identified with a natural element. Naples is completely identified with Vesuvius. And there is no terrace, urban perspective, city window that does not seek a glimpse of Vesuvius. Naples is a kind of amphitheatre built around Vesuvius. But Vesuvius is...
Copertina del libro Paesaggio civile di Serenella Iovino
Paesaggio civile. Napoli Explosion
Napoli Explosion is an art experiment that I have been observing for a few years. It is a visual art project, a live performance set by photographer Mario Amura, which has taken place since 2006 on New Year's Eve. In the post-production phase, hundreds of images are "played along" with music, often composed...

Event Schedule
